Hack Bell Speedstream 5200 E242

Since I need to find this once a month or so…I’ve replicated it here…Original located at http://www.dslreports.com/forum/remark,11490618~mode=flatWell, I’ve managed to actually get Port Forwarding and other features working with the Speedsteam...

Disable SIP / IAX Helpers in Untangle

rmmod nf_nat_siprmmod nf_conntrack_sipsed -i -e "s/nf_nat_sip//" /etc/untangle-net-alpaca/scripts/modulessed -i -e "s/nf_conntrack_sip//" /etc/untangle-net-alpaca/scripts/modulesCopied here to find it easier since many threads on untangle forums...

DLink DES1228P Noisy

Update: 2008-12-18Back it went…too noisy and vlan doesn’t work as promisied.  Internally, vlan is fine.  Can’t get any tagged data from outside in it visible though.  Going to put another HP ProCurve in…the 1800-24G now, after loving the...